воскресенье, 10 апреля 2011 г.


2050. People made ​​a big leap forward, new discoveries in medicine, construction(building resistant to earthquakes), cars are charged with environmentally friendly fuel.Everyone at home has a technique which is much easier work
http://vkontakte.ru/video3342683_159525808-laptops today,as well   as rugs and windows, which are able to cleanse itself,

I'll have a car.
you can now transform your love for those turntables into another interesting activity we all enjoy, eating. This design is one among the few that looks at the lighter side of life. This dining tray is primarily designed to match turntables, making eating more fun than before. Well, Emir Rifat Isik puts it well, “turntable + dining tray = fun design.” This quirky and compact model shows skillful blend of musical dining set. The dining tray features fork and knife, salt and pepper shakers and a base. Well, it is only a concept as of now and no information regarding its initial prototype has hit the media yet

All the people at home will be robots!!!.  we have acting robots – I know, it won’t make much of a film – we also have robots which can mimic facial expressions. But when, where, and why, will we get to see and use, a robot that can go to the fridge, pull out a Bud so you can sit back and amuse yourself on the latest release of the PlayStation 27.
However, Robots are picking up pace, and seem to grow immensely superior. So expect Robots to be already here by 2050, and themselves, picking their artificial brains, trying to uncover new technology, before 2050?

Around the Eco-Villages

1 комментарий:

  1. I'd like to have rugs and windows, which are able to cleanse themselves! And a robot to help me to do the flat! Great!
    You've got luxuriant imagination.
    2 points!
