понедельник, 5 декабря 2011 г.
Task 5, Step1
Write your second self-reflective essay in which you present the possibilities of future career and study. Give the reasons why this company suits you? What are your prospects
TNK-BP is a major oil company that is constantly growing. The key benefits of working in TNK-BP include:
· A unique combination of lasting experience in Russia and best international practices
· Contemporary management system
· Transparent and flexible compensation system that includes performance-dependent bonuses. Comprehensive package of social benefits.
· Broad professional development / career opportunities
· Well-developed and structured training system
· Rigorous HSE requirements
TNK-BP has adopted a unified compensation and incentives framework based on standard grade system using the Hay points approach, which is applied by many world majors. Each of the positions within the Company have been assessed and graded by these criteria. Each grade corresponds to a range of salaries, which is adjusted for the relevant region of operations and local market conditions.
Benefits provided to employees are developed and reviewed on an ongoing basis.
I went to the presentation of many companies who came to our university.
Among them were large companies such as Lukoil, Rosneft and TNK-BP.There were representatives of these companies, briefed us on their activities.Most of all I was interested oil company TNK-BP.Because they no longer offer many benefits for young professionals than others,which are more demanding.TNK-BP has created a dedicated training program for young specialists, the Three Horizons program, which provides a single standard for their development at all companies within the TNK-BP group. Three Horizons is a complex of measures for the acquisition of professional and technical skills and knowledge of high priority to the company as well as personal and business qualities.The Three Horizons program lasts three years, during each of which emphasis is placed on a different aspect of the young specialist’s development:
Year 1 – My Company and I – adaptation of young specialists and their involvement in the corporate culture.
Year 2 – My Profession and I – development of professional and technical skills that have been identified as having high priority.
Year 3 –My Career and I – acquisition of innovative and research and engineering potential, identification of leaders, career planning.
The program has several main components:
- Large-scale corporate events
- A corporate program for acquiring business and professional acumen
- Regional projects
- Mentoring
- Evaluation of young specialists and feedback
TNK-BP presentation
Task 4, step 1
TNK-BP will:
1. Observe the requirements of applicable legislation and other normative legal acts in the area of health, safety and environmental protection in countries where the company has its operations;
2. Gradually and persistently tighten requirements in the areas where more rigorous requirements are established by international standards;
3. In the area of occupational safety and health:
- Protect staff against injuries, and company’s assets and facilities against damage by creating healthy and safe working conditions and taking measures for physical protection of the company’s operational facilities to prevent entry by unauthorized persons to such facilities and the possibility of criminal or other unlawful acts;
- Take actions to improve working conditions and industrial safety and to prevent accidents in the workplace and occupational diseases;
- Provide mandatory social insurance of staff against accidents in the workplace and occupational diseases, and ensure compliance with sanitary norms as well as medical treatment and preventive services to staff in accordance with labor safety requirements;
- Provide work permits to those who meet the relevant qualification requirements and do not have medical contraindications for the work concerned;
- Provide employees with safety clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with established standards and working conditions, and monitor personal and collective protection equipment availability and its correct application by staff.
4. In the area of industrial safety:
- Within the context of the health and safety management system, set up and regularly verify the efficiency of operational control in company organizations. Ensure efficient use of the findings of behavioral audits, bearing in mind that all company’s employees and company contractors, with whom the relevant agreements are concluded, are obliged to fulfill HSE requirements, and that line managers are accountable for understanding and managing HSE risks;
- Carry out a comprehensive assessment of hazardous factors and risks, develop and carry out appropriate compensatory measures;
- Organize an industrial safety review of buildings and certification of workplaces in respect of working conditions in the company’s operational facilities;
- Ensure that normative legal and technical documents stipulating the rules for safe conduct of work in the relevant workplaces are available in all company operational facilities;
- Ensure the registration of hazardous operational facilities of company’s organizations in the State Register;
- Ensure the drafting and timely revision of Industrial Safety Declarations in companies listed in the Official TNK-BP Group List comprising hazardous operational facilities;
- Carry out diagnostics, testing and certification of installations and technical devices used in hazardous operational facilities. Ensure that the procedure and conditions of use are complied with and that an industrial safety review is conducted on technical devices in hazardous operational facilities belonging to company organizations, listed in the Official TNK-BP Group List;
- Execute risk liability insurance contracts for damage caused by the operation of hazardous operational facilities belonging to company where required by internal law.
5. In the area of the prevention of accidents, injuries and emergency situations:
- Provide supervising authorities with accurate and timely information on accidents and workplace injuries or damage caused to the environment in compliance with the applicable legislation of the countries where the company has its operations;
- Ensure that every accident, incident or workplace injury is internally investigated and recorded, their causes and conditions contributing to their occurrence are analyzed, appropriate preventive measures to remove and prevent them are developed and implemented;
- Develop emergency situation containment and response plans (ERP) and oil, oil products, and produced water emergency spill response plans (ESRP) in TNK-BP organizations, and train employees in responding to accidents and incidents at hazardous operational facilities;
- Contract with professional emergency rescue teams or units for the provision of services or set up similar in-house teams or units within company organizations;
- Provide for financial provisions and material resources for incident containment and response;
- Set up systems for observation, notification, communication and support of actions in the event of accidents in Subsidiaries, listed in the Official TNK-BP Group List;
- Take measures to prevent emergency situations, protect life and health of employees when such situations occur, including the provision of first aid to casualties.
6. In the area of environmental protection:
- Minimize adverse impact of the company’s operational facilities on the environment (the atmosphere, water sources, soil, subsoil).
- Take into account requirements of governmental bodies and public opinion when any operational decision is taken.
- Perform remediation of land contaminated in the course of the company’s operation, carry out soil clean-up on all oil producing land;
- Evaluate environmental risks and take all possible technical and economic measures to mitigate these risks, and make sure that spill prevention and response capabilities are available and adequate;
- Assure the compliance of project solutions with the current Standard; carry out environmental impact assessment for all projects; make environmentally conscious decisions and exercise rigorous supervision over implementation of all scheduled measures to reduce a potential negative impact on the environment;
7. Organize training and certification of employees in the area of health, industrial safety and environmental protection;
8. Suspend and delay, at its own discretion,the resumption of work if there is a potential health and safety threat ;
9. Require that all parties working on the company’s behalf recognize that their actions or inactions can impact onthe company’s image and business, and that they must operate to the company’s standards;
10. Hold all managers within TNK-BP accountable for accomplishing the HSE goals by implementing appropriate HSE behavior, clearly defining HSE roles and responsibilities, providing necessary resources and by measuring, reviewing and continuously improving the company’s HSE performance:
- Develop company business plans with measurable HSE targets, and involve all employees in meeting these targets;
- Present information on both the positive and negative results of its HSE performance;
- Encourage those who contribute to improved HSE performance.
Task 3,Step2
Define your professional qualities and write about them in your personal blog.
Personal and professional qualities: creativity, energy, sociability, tuned to the final result, responsibility, initiative, ability to persuade, justify and defend their opinions, the ability to work both independently and in teams, the ability to quickly and easilytrained.
Personal and professional qualities: creativity, energy .
Personal and professional qualities: creativity, energy, sociability, tuned to the final result, responsibility, initiative, ability to persuade, justify and defend their opinions, the ability to work both independently and in teams, the ability to quickly and easilytrained.
Personal and professional qualities: creativity, energy .
воскресенье, 4 декабря 2011 г.
Task 3, Step 1
I chose the company TNK-BP. TNK-BP is a major oil company that is constantly growing. The key benefits of working in TNK-BP include:
· A unique combination of lasting experience in Russia and best international practices
· Contemporary management system
· Transparent and flexible compensation system that includes performance-dependent bonuses. Comprehensive package of social benefits.
· Broad professional development / career opportunities
· Well-developed and structured training system
· Rigorous HSE requirements
TNK-BP has adopted a unified compensation and incentives framework based on standard grade system using the Hay points approach, which is applied by many world majors. Each of the positions within the Company have been assessed and graded by these criteria. Each grade corresponds to a range of salaries, which is adjusted for the relevant region of operations and local market conditions.
Benefits provided to employees are developed and reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Additionally, our Short-Term Incentive Program aligns an employee’s annual bonus to his/her personal contribution and to the annual performance of his/her unit.
The performance and personal contribution of every TNK-BP employee ensure the long-term success of our Company as a whole. This is why we consider it so important to attract top-class specialists and managers on the market, who share our Corporate values: Leadership, Effectiveness, Safety and Integrity.
The Candidate Screening System includes the assessment of professional competencies in the relevant discipline, as well as evaluation of Corporate competencies. It is important for us that our employees:
- Are responsible;
- Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior;
- Are proactive and lead other people;
- Are able to build partnership relations;
- Improve themselves and the Company;
- Can organize work effectively;
- Ensure success;
- Make best decisions;
- Comply with norms and standards;
- Prevent HSE risks;
- Are intolerant to violations.
Since this is a big and well-developed company they need employees with different areas:
TNK-BP is committed to attracting and contributing to the professional development of the most talented young specialists – for employment within the company itself and the oil industry at large. Expanding organizational potential is extraordinarily important to the company’s stable long-term growth, and this understanding lies at the base of all work with young specialists.
TNK-BP has created a dedicated training program for young specialists, the Three Horizons program, which provides a single standard for their development at all companies within the TNK-BP group. Three Horizons is a complex of measures for the acquisition of professional and technical skills and knowledge of high priority to the company as well as personal and business qualities.
Three Horizons accepts graduates of universities and colleges who have joined the company as engineers, technicians, or in other promising capacities. To be eligible, the young specialist must have graduated no more than three years earlier. Each participant is assigned a mentor who coordinates his development throughout the entire program. Each young specialist signs a development contract reflecting the goals of his education and making it possible to evaluate the progress he has made in the program.
The Three Horizons program lasts three years, during each of which emphasis is placed on a different aspect of the young specialist’s development:
Year 1 – My Company and I – adaptation of young specialists and their involvement in the corporate culture.
Year 2 – My Profession and I – development of professional and technical skills that have been identified as having high priority.
Year 3 –My Career and I – acquisition of innovative and research and engineering potential, identification of leaders, career planning.
The program has several main components:
- Large-scale corporate events
- A corporate program for acquiring business and professional acumen
- Regional projects
- Mentoring
- Evaluation of young specialists and feedback
- Positive aspects of:
- Pay the cost of housing and roads during
- After three years of constant work in the company an opportunity to buy a home, as the company pays half the cost of a family
- For the first time give the young specialist mentor.
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